The advantages of working with us:

A strong team of practicing lawyers

Possibility of solving difficult issues

Comprehensibility of conducting business

Transparency of pricing

Excellent correlation price-quality

Openness for clients

Possibility of distant collaboration

Guarantee of the financial quality of the rendered services

24-hour access to the information on projects


A professional team consisting of 15 people

Over 8 years of law practice

Providing with legal services for more than 20 directions of law

Over 500 of successfully realized projects

Over 300 of satisfied clients

Legal due diligence of the company

In the summer of 2013 Yurbureau LLC commissioned by DVCM have conducted legal due diligence in respect of IT Invest. The procedure was led by managing partner Elena Kazankova and advisor Timur Niazbaev.

Yurbureau LLC experts carried out a comprehensive audit of the IT Invest, including compliance with the requirements imposed on the company as a professional participant of the securities market. The audit examined the documents and information provided by IT Invest, and other data from open sources.

Yurbureau LLC works on the market of legal services in Russia since 2006. The main activities of the company are: support for real estate transactions, mergers and acquisitions, conducting legal due diligence procedures of different investment objects.

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